Art Primo

Press-N-Go Empty Marker - Standard

Press-N-Go Empty Marker - Standard
Drawing fine lines is easy-squeezy with the Press N Go collection of soft-body, squeezable markers featuring metal nibs for writing on all surfaces. This blue bodied marker is modeled after a classic "Presto". Sold empty and ready to be filled with your favorite ink, 12ml body capacity. Refillable.
We recommend pairing the PNG with: Molotow Magic Ink, Molotow Permanent Paint Refills, Steve Garvey, OTR 901 Soultip Refills and more.

Please note: Press N Go nibs are REVERSE THREADED. To remove the nib and cap, please twist clockwise. Twisting counter-clockwise will tighten the nib. Over tightening may damage the marker and render it unusable.