Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (180g 45rpm) 2LP


Known for their explorative and restless sound, taking influence from old style rock like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young and Pink Floyd as well as from electronica and hip hop, each of Radiohead's albums marks a cornerstone in their musical evolution. As politically minded as anything in Radiohead's catalog, 2003's Hail To The Thief addresses the 2000 U.S. presidential election and the aftermath of 9/11 under a tense sonic backdrop that effectively mixes the progressive sounds of OK Computer and electronics of Kid A. Anger, fear, and paranoia are omnipresent themes throughout and standout material like "2+2=5," "There There," and "A Wolf At The Door," are some of the band's most direct and distinct expressions to date.

1. 2+2=5 
2. Sit Down. Stand Up 
3. Sail To The Moon 
4. Backdrifts 
5. Go To Sleep 
6. Where I End And You Begin 
7. We Suck Young Blood 
8. The Gloaming 
9. There There 
10. I Will 
11. A Punchup At A Wedding 
12. Myxomatosis  
13. Scatterbrain 
14. A Wolf At The Door